Maxisafe Camlock Fittings

The world's newest and safest camlock fitting

Maxisafe Camlock Fittings

The world's newest and safest camlock fitting

Maxisafe Camlock Fittings


Maxisafe Camlocks

Maxisafe Camlocks are the world's only Quad-Lock camlock featuring a unique 4 lever design. This patented design prevents blowouts, injury and major environmental damage when releasing hose couplings.

maxisafe camlock fittings

Maxisafe Camlocks

Unique Design

Patented Design

Competitive Price

Pressure Tested

Stainless Steel 316

Types B, C and D

The BEST Camlock Ever

Maxisafe Fittings For Safety

maxisafe camlock fittings

The Xtrasafe Quad Lock features a unique four lever design (2 levers on each side, one on top of the other). Stacking the levers on top of each other forces the operator to open the outside levers first because the inside levers can only be opened after the outside levers are open first. They cannot be opened at the same time.

Opening  the outside levers allows the male fitting to separate just enough to break the seal, while the inside levers will not allow the fittings to fully separate.  If there is pressure still in the hose, the operator will immediately see the potential problem. The operator then simply re-closes the outside levers letting the operator regain control of the situation.

If one was using a conventional camlock at this time, the fittings would completely separate causing a failure due to a 100% out of control situation. The results of such an accident caused by using old technology could cause personal injury and property damage.

Maxisafe Fittings are designed to prevent these types of accidents.




The Quad-Lock design ensures that lines under pressure cannot blow apart.


Blowouts lead to spills. Because blow-outs are prevented spills are eliminated.


Connectors under pressure may explosively come apart and cause injury to the operator.

Insurance Claims

Injury, spillage, environmental damage all have an impact on Insurance Claims.

High Premiums

Insurance claims lead to higher premiums.


Spills can damage the environment and clean-ups are costly. Prevention reduces environmental damage.

maxisafe camlock fittings

Frequently Asked Questions

We supply types B, C and D camlocks.


We use Stainless Steel 316.


Yes. We have a full page on pressure testing you can read here - Pressure Testing

Our camlocks are competitively priced, please contact us directly so we can best understand your needs and advise you on cost. Contact Us


Davison Fuels & Oil

Mobile Alabama

We’ve been using Maxisafe Fittings for about a year now.  We are quite confident that the added layer of safety Maxisafe provides will benefit our business and customers.  We will install these fittings on all our pressure hoses in the future.


Maxisafe Fittings, LLC
P.O. Box 508
AL 36533





+1 251 928 2539




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